Running Wild - Treasure Island
... me, Jim Hawkins
To tell everybody the whole tale about the 'Island'
Flint's treasure and Mr. Silver
Keeping nothing back but its position and that only
Because the major part of the treasure has not been lifted yet
I personally think we would never have begun this adventure
And set course with the 'Hispaniola', if we had known
What would happen a...
2019-03-24 11:06:15
Így mondja az angol
... somebody

Fekete karácsony, fehér húsvét
Black Christmas white Easter

Ha rövid a kardod, toldd meg egy lépéssel
If your sword is short, add one step to it
A missing part may be substituted sometimes by something else, Skill

Két élés kard, tőr nem fér meg egy hüvelyben
Two sharp swords, daggers cannot be is one sheath

2016-08-25 16:36:00
Aki mindvégig hitt hazánk feltámadásában
Uzdóczy-Zadravecz István püspök emlékére

Ötven éve, 1965. november 13-án adta vissza lelkét Teremtőjének Uzdóczy-Zadravecz István ferences tábori püspök, akinek életműve méltán vált huszadik századi magyar történelmünk szerves részévé. Azok közé tartozott, akik számára a keresztény hit és...
2015-11-13 21:53:32
William Shakespeare LXXIV. szonett
... all bail shall carry me away,
My life hath in this line some interest,
Which for memorial still with thee shall stay.
When thou reviewest this, thou dost review
The very part was consecrate to thee:
The earth can have but earth, which is his due;
My spirit is thine, the better part of me:
So then thou hast but lost the dregs of life,
The pre...
2015-10-27 06:45:25
Ez történt ma
... and is credited in being the first to use the name Karaites or Bnai Mikra.

921 AARON BEN MEIR (Eretz Israel)
Leader and sage. He devised a change in the calendar, and as part of his efforts to reinstate Palestinian control over the calendar, he reinstated the tradition of proclaiming the new moon from the Mount of Olives. This caused confusion regarding the dat...
2014-01-28 20:26:23
Ez történt ma
... she achieved her greatest successes in English language cinema with "The Devil and Daniel Webster" (1941), "Cat People" (1942) and "The Curse of the Cat People" (1944); the latter two formed part the horror film series produced by Val Lewton. These films did not lead to greater success and she languished in mediocre films until the end of the war.

She returned to Franc...
2014-01-02 21:56:39
Ez törtét ma
... sometimes under duress, to Christianity. Often these Jews - known as New Christians or Conversos - succeeded in obtaining high social and political positions which aroused the jealousy on the part of "old Christians". Thus, although officially religious in nature, the inquisition became a political tool. Specific signs such as no fires on the Sabbath, no eating of pork, washing ha...
2014-01-01 16:22:42
Ez történt - November 7.-én
... national swimming competition events in 1939 and hoped to compete at the 1940 Olympic Games. But the Olympics were canceled because of World War II. Disappointed, she took a job at an upscale department store. But she did not stay on land for long. Producer Billy Rose asked to audition for his swimming and diving show called "Aquacade" in San Francisco. She landed the lead role op...
2013-11-07 20:49:42
... drámából)

Tenger és alkonyég között
a szerelem hozzámszökött.
Örömre bú jött, napra éj.
a hosszú vágyra kurta kéj,
s ó szerelem, reád mi jött
tenger és tengerpart között!

Tenger és kikötő között
az édesből keserű lett,
a vágyból könny, a könnyből láng,
holt kéjből új vágy, új fulánk:
s a szerelem így font-kötött...
2013-10-22 06:53:57

The river's tent is broken: the last fingers of leaf

Clutch and sink into the wet bank. The wind

Crosses the brown land, unheard. The nymphs are departed. 175

Sweet Thames, run softly, till I end my song.

The river bears no empty bottles, sandwich papers,

Silk handkerchiefs, cardboard boxes, ...
2013-09-30 16:09:04
1 2 3 .5 6 .8 9 10 11 12 
Címkék: Running Wild, Treasure Island, William Shakespeare LXXIV, Black Christmas, Uzdóczy-Zadravecz István, Teremtőjének Uzdóczy-Zadravecz István, Bnai Mikra, AARON BEN MEIR, Eretz Israel, Daniel Webster, Olympic Games, World War II, Producer Billy Rose, Sweet Thames, missing part, political tool, szerelem hozzámszökött, hosszú vágyra, édesből keserű, vágyból könny, könnyből láng, feltámadásában, hozzámszökött, handkerchiefs, teremtőjének, történelmünk, christianity, disappointed, substituted, competition, inquisition, shakespeare, proclaiming, palestinian, languished, officially, christians, reinstated, personally, keresztény, consecrate, department, hispaniola, tengerpart, zadravecz, cardboard, reinstate, political, confusion, karácsony, tartozott, succeeded, reviewest, mindvégig, francisco, conversos, regarding, tradition, sometimes, something, everybody, religious, positions, adventure, obtaining, hüvelyben, successes, christmas, treasure, lépéssel, november,
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